Event Series Q-Chat Space (ages 13-19)

Q-Chat Space (ages 13-19)


Q Chat Space provides live, chat-based, professionally facilitated, online support and discussion groups for LGBTQQ+ teens 13-19. Q Chat Space was developed by CenterLink in partnership with Planned Parenthood Federation of America and PFLAG National and in collaboration with CenterLink member centers. It is a resource for all LGBTQQ+ centers and other organizations serving LGBTQQ+ youth to better serve youth who cannot access services in person  

Q-Chat en Espanol (ages 13-19)


Find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests and get good information. Chat with like-minded peers in live chats designed for you & by you, facilitated by folks who care. 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Please contact facilitator for more information and group links. email: stephanie.vandyke@lgbtqcenteroc.org.

Genderflood (Ages 18-26)

The Center OC 1605 N Spurgeon St, Santa Ana

Gender Flood is a social drop-in group for transgender, genderqueer, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and gender-questioning young adults ages 18-26. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment in which one's gender may be freely expressed and respected. Get involved, meet others, and participate in engaging weekly discussions, activities, and community events! Important Note: This is a closed space facilitated by and for transgender adults (or any identities that fall under the umbrella.) We kindly ask to respect the space for *trans people only."

BreakOUT (ages 12-17)

Youth Process Group is an age-specific online processing group from ages 12 to 17. We meet every Monday night from 5:30-7:00 PM. BreakOUT is a supportive space for participants to navigate the everyday stressors in their lives. Group leaders facilitate discussions about various topics and activities such as identity, school/ home life, and more. BreakOUTs mission is to involve and engage with young LGBTQIA+ community members, allowing them to explore new strategies to cope as well as connect with their queer identity in a safe space with their peers. It is facilitated by MFT Trainees Brittany Hardin Please contact Brittany Hardin for more information: brittany.hardin@lgbtqcenteroc.org  

Prism (ages 18-26)

Prism welcomes all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and/or allied young adults ages 18-26. The objective of this group is to provide young adults with a safe and welcoming space, where they can meet friends and participate in engaging weekly discussions, activities, and community events. This is a virtual meeting. Contact facilitator for Zoom link.

Event Series Trans*forum (ages 18+)

Trans*forum (ages 18+)

Processing therapy group for transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, genderfluid, intersex, and androgynous individuals. This group provides individuals with a safe space to voice and process feelings, issues, and thoughts unique to their experiences. Please email facilitators if you would like to attend this Zoom meeting. 
