The LGBTQ Center OC is committed to garnering full equality through advocacy in order to improve the lives of community members throughout Orange County. We fight against specific incidents of discrimination and work to create policy and support legislation that moves the LGBTQ agenda forward. As a prominent community organization, we are committed to our mission to advocate and to ensure that LGBTQ people have equal access and representation in programs and services within our schools, in health care, in our communities, and in other public sectors.
Hate Crimes
We aim to work with the victim and coordinate with community partners to provide comprehensive resources and support. We collaborate with other community organizations, such as Orange County Human Resources’ Hate Crime Task Force, to develop comprehensive and innovative strategies to address hate violence and discrimination happening in Orange County. As a result of this work, the LGBTQ Center OC has expanded its services to provide critical resources and support for victims of hate crimes through our mental health program and through referrals to partner organizations.
Please call us immediately if you have been the victim of either a hate crime or incident. Our staff can work with you to report an incident and help you navigate available resources.
California is one of the most progressive states in terms of legal protections for LGBTQ students in public schools. In order to provide Orange County youth with a safe and supportive learning environment, we are dedicated to working with students, teachers, school administration, school district officials, and school board members. We believe the utmost importance to implement inclusive curriculum, programs, policies that reflect the diverse needs of our students and youth. In the past, we have worked with over 50 schools across Orange County to adopt visible signage in support for LGBTQ students and raise awareness and education for legislation that uplifts LGBTQ students. Now, we are continuing to provide support to Gender and Sexualities Alliances and their
California has one of the most extensive set of legal protections aimed at securing the rights of LGBTQ students. There are schools is the OC, however, that seem intent on ignoring those legal rights. The Orange County School Board is comprised of a majority of members who have opposed protections for LGBTQ students and are openly hostile toward AB1266, the law that establishes specific protections for transgender students and allows.
LGBTQ Center OC Youth Program has strong presence in K-12 schools around the county and our “Safe Zone” program has been adopted by many schools. The “Safe Zone” program establishes rooms and sites on school campuses that teachers have pledged to keep free from bullying and any kind of discrimination. Still, there are schools that won’t protect the rights of LGBTQ students; some that deny Gay Straight Alliances to meet or use school notice boards. If this is happening at your school or your kids’ school, LGBTQ Center OC has experts who can work with you to advocate for LGBTQ rights on your school campuses.
Policy and Legislation
In collaboration with our community partners and organizations, we work to push forward our movement towards equity and justice by engaging elect local and state elected officials and other policy makers. In this work, we use advocacy and education as a platform to build and implement LGBTQ-inclsuive policies and programs. We believe it is important to work collaboratively to ensure the proper implementation of laws and policies that help to establish safe and supportive environments for LGBTQ people.
Voter Engagement and Education
It is up to us to ensure that we are prepared and informed about the voting process, the positions of our local and statewide candidates, and the details for upcoming elections so that our voices and votes are put into action. We want to help our community stay updated with voting and electoral information, as well as share helpful resources and links, so that you are ready to make informed decisions on Election Day and help to make a positive impact for Orange County.
Leading up to the 2020 Election, the LGBTQ Center OC provided a comprehensive voter engagement and get-out-the-vote program. We provided a variety of resources and information, such as sharing a voter information guide to provide information, such as: How to Vote Safety at Early Voting Locations; Voter Bill of Rights; Finding Your Polling Place; Presidential Candidate Statements; Voter Registration Privacy Information; Assistance for Voters With Disabilities; Frequently Asked Questions; Checking Your Voter Status; and more.
Do you need help?
If you need help, guidance, or counseling related to a hate crime, workplace discrimination, or educational environment, please contact us. We understand and respect your need for confidentiality. The form below does transmit an unsecure/unencrypted email to our staff.