The LGBTQ Center OC’s Trans Committee and Affirming OC invites you to kick off the new year with a TRANSformation.
This event will have free clothing, chest binders, make up, hygiene kits, and more! Stop on in, ask styling types from other trans* and nonbinary folks, and start the new year stronger together.Share this event: will be required while inside and can be provided at the door.
This event will have free clothing, chest binders, make up, hygiene kits, and more! Stop on in, ask styling types from other trans* and nonbinary folks, and start the new year stronger together.Share this event: will be required while inside and can be provided at the door.
Due to the large number of clothing donations, we are only accepting highly sought after items.
Looking to donate make up, a chest binder, or other affirming wear? Contact:
Riley Williams (he/him), LGBTQ Health and Trans Service Coordinator
714.953.5428 ext. 5030