During the holidays and every day, we are grateful for the resiliency and solidarity of our LGBTQ family. Our resiliency continues to be tested and our solidarity comes shining through each time we demand better for one another. Demanding better is precisely the work of the LGBTQ Center OC.
To those who have left notes and voicemails thanking us for saving your life or the life of a loved one, we value you. To those who give graciously to financially support our programs, we honor you for making our life-saving work possible.
Whether you are in need of a helping hand or in a position to assist others, you are part of what makes our community great. The LGBTQ Center OC serves more than 14,000 clients per year and is ushering in a new era of equity and understanding in Orange County. We simply cannot do this without you.
Your tax deductible gift allows us to support LGBTQ youth in schools, advocate for LGBTQ immigrants seeking freedom from persecution and ensure that our Trans Community has every opportunity to live authentic, safe, and fulfilling lives.
Please make a year-end gift to the LGBTQ Center OC and help us make a difference in 2020.
Yours in Partnership,
Peg Corley
Executive Director